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Dotport Capital (Pty) Ltd, established in 1990, is a financial services provider. We provide financial planning and advice to individuals and corporates.

Dotport Capital (Pty) Ltd is an authorised financial services provider. (FSP 15250)

Our Team

Director and general management. Obtained his B Com Hons degree from the University of Pretoria. CFP® professional. Responsible for fund management and management of individual share portfolios.

Martin Struwig


Financial Advisor and Director. Obtained her B Com degree from the University of Pretoria.

Alta Struwig

Director & Financial Advisor

Obtained her Certificate in Wealth Management (Moonstone) in 2024. Responsible for general administration in relation to investments.

Adele Kleynhans

General Administration

Responsible for general administration in relation to short term insurance, gap cover and medical Schemes.

Charlotte Venter

General Administration

Obtained his B Com degree at the University of Pretoria and a Postgraduate Diploma in Financial Planning at Moonstone Business School of Excellence. Enjoys fishing in his spare time.

Michael Mills

Junior Financial Planner

Responsible for preparation of client reports and general administration in relation to Wills.

Carmen Ontong

General Administration

Responsible for general administration in relation to Life Risk Products and Employee Group Risk Benefits.

Maroney Maroga

General Administration

Products & Services

Medical Schemes

Gap Cover

Short Term insurance


Life Cover

Disability Cover

Dreaded disease Cover

Income Protection


Retirement Annuities

Pension Funds

Provident Funds

Collective Investment Schemes

The Process

We follow the “Six Steps of Financial Planning Process”

The steps are as follows:

Client Introduction and establishing the relationship

This is where we introduce ourselves to potential clients.

Gather information and determine goals

This step is to gather all relevant information from the client.

Analyse and evaluate financial position

After gathering the relevant information, we conduct a needs analysis to analyse the client’s financial position, their future financial goals and needs.

Present analysis and recommended advice

During this step we prepare a detailed financial plan that includes solutions and recommendations, appropriate for the client’s needs.

Implementation Recommendations

During this step we implement the recommendations as determined in step 4.

Review of the financial plan

We review your financial plan on a regular basis to ensure that your financial plan keeps track with your current financial position.

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